Anchoring Intentions

Manifesting is a vaguely understood concept. Many components of the manifesting puzzle are being explored and inspiring curiosity. We get more curious when the steps we learned  just do not consistently work for something we are trying to create. A main component to become aware of is creating in the physical plane always comes through the cells of the body. This is a primary reason many intentions do not manifest or do not manifest as quickly or precisely as we planned. The intending soul must be in the body and connected to the planet  to create. The Universal Postal Service (UPS) cannot deliver if nobody is home.

Clear intent anchored to the planetary grid through the body from a true soul desire within the soul contract can become. Even if we are not aware of all the other components, anchoring through the body is the part we can enhance for any desire.

There are many ways to relax more deeply into your body. Start by breathing deeply and comfortably. Place your attention on your hips and sacrum areas. Enter bone, muscle, or a cell in your mind’s eye. As a next step, enter your solar plexus to amplify true self  identity. (This is the area just below your ribs.) Expand it with your focused intent. Now you are practicing being home.

Once you have a clear intention, you can anchor it through your own energy field and body. Take the thought form from above your head down through your vertical tube (the central straw like channel within you), past your feet into the Earth’s grids. Once you feel it is anchored, allow it to come back up and when it is ready, back down. Continuing this practice helps to anchor the intent. Remember to add “or something better” to any intent. This opens the energy spent and anchoring to be used on your behalf without limitation.

This practice will also help you with self awareness. Stay aware and intend to explore the subtle differences between ego desires and soul desires, true desires under or within the ones you recognize,  blocks to manifesting, attachment or timing.

For now, choose something fun and easy and  practice anchoring your intent. Be home when UPS is making the delivery!