Energy Healing Through Exploring Your Energy Fields

The best way to learn your energy field anatomy is by experiencing it. Enjoy this energy healing journey into yourself. You might like to make notes  to expand upon later. Your energy field is like an egg shaped bubble around you. Tune into this. Notice it’s outer edge, the way it feels inside.

The most general levels of your energy field most referenced in energy healing resources are physical, emotional, mental levels. Holographically, all fields To get to know your whole self, start by tuning into each of these, one at a time. Allow yourself time to deepen into each level or body.

Start with the physical body. Really feel it. Travel inside of it with your awareness. This is your matter body. Your most dense field. Deepen into it’s density. Tune into it’s gravitational connection. Get curious and explore.

Next focus your attention to our emotional level directly off your physical body. Feel it. Travel inside it. It’s a fluid level. Move about and become more aware.  Notice the whole level and also the areas of subtle differences. Be fluid and soft inside of  it. Melt into it. Go deeper.

The mental field follows it and contains it. Go out to there now. Tune into this structural level. Explore it’s whole and areas that draw you. Sense, view, notice.

Go out to the edge of your field and feel it’s wholeness…it’s wondrous preciousness.

As you go about your day, make an effort to stay aware of these fields. Tuning into these fields with dedication and curiosity, helps to harmonize you.  Let this practice calm, cleanse, inform, connect and nourish you. This is energy healing. Your personal energy work.

Wonderful! Did you know that Asenscion includes conscious awareness of your physical and energy body’s anatomy?