How does Source Energy work?

An energy session usually begins with the presentation of a desire, challenge or area of curiosity, to explore. Each challenge presents an opportunity for learning, healing and wisdom.

My work includes discovering the deeper layers of blocked energy relationship to what is presented. As the person becomes more aware of the purpose of the blocked energy, the energy provides awareness, and the opening of pathways from within them, for releasing the blocks. This establishes beneficial change by the integration of learning from unlearned lessons that are at the core of the challenge.

The energy field holds the key, or map for solutions, resolution and further insight. Each Source Energy session is unique. When appropriate for learning, unresolved patterns from other lives, or early life experiences, may emerge. As I read the energy field, I make adjustments, and translate in understandable terms what I am doing as I provide modifications.

Valuable learning from experiences is unraveled and integrated. When appropriate, the field at various states is observed to determine patterns over time lines. As needed, energy work to support the body at the organ, cell and DNA/ genetic level, is provided. Sacred geometry and timeless vibrational presence is activated.

Unique techniques for self healing often emerge for continued practice. This allows the participant to more concretely connect with themselves and all of life, creating more meaning, love, and pleasure in their experiences.