Source Energy Work: More Unique Benefits

All “healing” is self healing. The term “healing” in this energy work means transformation or movement in consciousness and evolution. It means more soul is in the whole being.  As we become more conscious, we become more personally responsible. We no longer project our authority. The desire to evolve and allow our souls to fully express as humans is our most innate desire. We are pulsing with the passionate curiosity and exhilaration of our souls and Source to realize we are Source, to expand Source. We are designed to grow. The enormous oak tree at my front door has expanded several feet unilaterally  over the last few years. It started as a tiny seed. Energy healing is our own creation toward our expansion.

From the loving compassionate nature of the soul, we offer ourselves assistance in forms such as guidance, teachings and energy healing. We bring it into our experience for many reasons based on our own learning. We offer ourselves help in remembering our true nature and design.

Source Energy Healing assists to improve  imbalances in the energy field and body, helping the Source and soul energy to be more actively present for self  healing and expansion. The innate energy at all levels of the whole person  heals, expands and grows to be more of it’s own nature. This self fulfilling progress continues toward integration (completion of the learning) and unification. The natural flow of the whole system is more harmonious.  This direct assistance is the gift we give ourselves.

Our own individual progression is also the gift we give each other, humanity and the universe. Our work in energy healing offers higher consciousness literally expanding the consciousness of planet and beyond. The connected nature of our being means every seemingly slight shift in our own consciousness graces the whole. Another gift we gift ourselves!

Did you know that Ascencion requires conscious awareness of our physical and eneregetic anatomy?   Check out posts on Energy Anatomy….