Source Energy Work: More Unique Benefits

Living in duality, our evolution has spiraled through cycles of exploring opposites. The dual nature of our beings, mostly perceived as male/female follows the nature of our planet. At present, the planet is near completion of being united in equal male female balance. As humans, our drive to become more conscious and awaken includes matching this planetary unity and balance.

One way we can learn to balance is by softening our edges. We have infused  strict lines of male and female, black and white, right and wrong in our genetics and our environments. We have begun moving toward balance with a conceptual shift. We embrace new thought and understand the concept of unity in duality. We get that there is no right and wrong, and that on some level, all is equal. All is Love. Some rare humans now can begin to accept,  or even love equally without judgement all that life offers, from war to peace.  Starting with thought, and emotion, we can gradually shift our our DNA to hold this unity consciousness.

Our human energy field design or blueprint is made of alternating fluid and structual levels. The body is structural, then we have a fluid emotional level, followed by a structural mental level, etc. Our levels continue to alternate  off the body.  At present, we are introducing new ways of uniting our own male structural levels and female fluid levels at the boundaries where they meet!

We are actually softening our internal edges to unite and integrate our polar strengths into a more balanced being of superior human potential. In the field, there are intricate lines of light bearing codes, language, and intelligences forming between our layers.  These are creating communication buffers between the fluid and structural levels, the male and female aspects of our being.  We’ve now got male female translators! Holographically through our layers and chakras, we are interlocking our dual opposites within. We can understand ourselves and others more easily. We can access combined strengths. Our limits are changing. We are elevating our true wholeness.

What can we do to support this natural process and embrace the science? How can we help soften our edges?

Internally, we can become aware. We can put our energy and attention into the boundary of  any layer of our being. For example, tune into the emotional/mental level boundary. Here’s how:  Simply breathe deeply, then then go out to about six inches off your body. This is where the emotional level meets the mental level, all the way around like an egg shell. Hold your awareness there. With an open heart, breathe into this area of your field. Just at the edge of the fluid level, web-like connections  weave into the mental level. There is coding and brilliance. Let it teach you. You may notice an incredible peace and calm, a deep internal knowing that everything is always alright. You may love yourself in a deeper way. The codes for uniting our vast separation are actively growing within us. We are learning to love our dual nature and the dual nature of life on Earth.

We can assist our growth by softening our external edges. This starts with practicing absolute non-judgement. Really notice old habits of judging emerge and immediately choose love to transform them. Be aware as thoughts may surface that label, elevate, or put yourself or another down.  Other than conscious thoughts may begin to emerge  for transformation. Things like “I’m better because….,” They are less because…” “I am not good enough…”

When they do:

Be grateful for the awareness. Choose love. Let go of the judgement.

Another practice is being a neutral witness. Enjoy life as a curious tourist. Observe something you usually judge as negative and remain a neutral witness, eventually graduating to curiosity, appreciation or love. I enjoy observing people on television  who have chosen severe crimes, being fascinated by and loving them as fellow human souls.

One of our greatest teachers was quoted as saying “Love your enemies as yourself.” Our energy anatomy is growing and weaving to support our deep desire to love all dual aspects of ourselves and each other.

How have you been softening your edges?